A choice is made either to act or to learn, to know, to understand. Action is a result of learning or knowing. Is it possible to know everything out there? Let's ponder over a bit on this.
When we attempt to learn of know something, we solely depend on the only means of learning or knowing and the only means of such learning is our SENSES. We shall dwell on the Senses in detail on some other blog. For the time being let us take the commonly assumed meaning of the word 'senses' as what we see, what we hear, what we touch, what we smell and what we taste. We have these organs in our body, which enable us to learn or know what is in us or around us.
We also know that these organs are capable of 'telling' us only a limited amount of 'what is out there' and not the whole. For example our ears can hear the sound with frequencies between 20 Hertz and 20K Hertz. Anything below or above this spectrum of frequency we are incapable of perceiving, meaning, our ears 'limit' or restrict our knowing of what is truly out there.
Similarly our eyes 'limit' our knowing only to the visible spectrum, that means they are not letting us to know what is truly out there.
The true taste of a sweet or savory also is not known to us because the taste organ makes us to experience only that which it is capable of. Can we have an evidence? Yes, of course. In our daily experience, don't we have situations where one person says there is not enough sugar in the coffee whereas other person says 'It's just enough for me?'
If we closely observe like this, we can ascertain that, what we experience through our sense organs is NOT the true nature of what is out there and we always get to learn or know a very limited knowledge. It means relying on the senses to learn or know is never true and always false.
Let's look at why this has to be so? What if we knew everything out there? It is because if our ears were capable of 'telling' us about all the audio frequencies, the result would be a simple Humming. You may check this by playing 100 sound tracks and listening through one head / ear phone.
If our eyes were 'telling' us all the visible frequencies, the result would be a black or white, and nothing else. You may check it by playing 100 odd videos and try to watch them on one screen.
So Mother Nature has limited our capacity to learn or know through our senses, just enough for our survival.
If 'I knew everything', then I will not survive.
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